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To get us started and in order to set up a monthly budget,  follow these five easy steps:

Step one:         find out your monthly take-home pay

Step two:         find out what your expenses are

Step three:       find out how much you spend on each expense

Step four:        see if your monthly expenses match monthly take-home pay

Step five:         Balance your budget. This means in your family budget you need to ensure that you are spending matches take-home pay.  It might indicate that you have to cut back on spending to balance.

It sounds too good to be true and too simplistic. However, in the end, that is all there is to this family budgeting process! Initially at least. Let us look at these steps one at a time.

  • Finding out your monthly take-home pay

Your income is your pay, after some money is deducted.  Think taxes, insurance and Social Security.  Answer the following questions:

What is your monthly take-home payDo other people share expenses in your home?

As mentioned before, total all of the households’ monthly take-home pay.  This will include all sources of income for all contributing members of the household.

  • Finding out what your expenses are

This brings up other pressing questions:

What are your monthly expenses?  Where does the money in fact go every month?

Most people are surprised to learn that it may go for things that we do not need at all.  Writing your expenditures down provides us with the unique opportunity to visualize and find out if any money goes for things that we do not need or want.

Here is a short list of expenses that many people have. Put a check mark next to ones you have, then write down any expenses you have, that are not on the list.

  • Necessities like food
  • Clothes laundry dry-cleaning
  • Car and transportation expenses: gas, oil, parking, license, plates, car repair, train fare or bus fare
  • Rent, mortgage payments, heat, electricity, phone, water, property taxes, house repair, appliance and repair, furniture, small items for home, cleaning supplies on the yard care,
  • Medical and dental expenses: doctor, dentist, drugs, hospital or clinic.
  • Savings: short to medium term for something soon, a future purchase, emergencies, investments.
  • Installment payments: car, furniture, appliances, charge accounts, credit card accounts, loans.
  • Pocket money, personal allowances, tobacco, beer, wine and hair care.
  • Entertainment, movies and eating out Recreation, sports and equipment, club membership, newspaper, magazines, cable TV, records and tapes, DVDs videos and other multimedia, vacation, letters and postage.
  • School bills, books, room and board at school, workshops, special training courses, lessons, music and more.
  • Donations: church or synagogue, charitable giving, charities, other and gifts
  • Insurance: (if not deducted from your pay check): life, health, house, car and property
  • Taxes: (if not deducted from your pay check): Federal, state and local income, social security

Which other ones could you list ?

  • Finding out how much you actually spend on each expense

This is the hard part, where some thought and effort will have to go into the process to ensure the most accurate information is recorded. This will give a realistic and real-time estimate that is reliable and accurate.

In this section, you need to ask yourself how much each item on your list actually costs how much each item costs you a month. The following estimates and guidelines could prove helpful to you as you set up your family budget:

  • Monthly bills that stay the same – car and rental payments
  • Monthly bills that change – utilities, phones and more. Find costs per month for say six months, add them up. Take this number you have calculated and divide it by six (the amount of months) to get your average cost. This is the number you will be using for your budgetary exercise.
  • Bills that come every three or six months – the number for every month will be used in your budgetary process.
  • Bills that come annually, meaning once a year – divide the amount by 12 months. The answer is your monthly budget number.
  • Bills that come more than once a month – food, gas, lunch and family fun. This is a category to watch very closely, as it is a contributor to this “bottomless pit”, we sometimes feel and see our cash disappear into.
  • Unexpected expenditures or surprise bills – what you can afford to set aside as a buffer or emergency, contingency fund – (look at the last three years or so and see what kind of unexpected expenses you and your family faced). Use an estimate that makes sense to you and divide the annual number by twelve months to get your monthly number.
  • Finding out if monthly expenses match monthly take-home pay

Compare your total expenses with your take-home pay. A couple of results and scenarios could be staring you in the face:

Positive  result: Income more than expense – you can either spend or save!

Negative result: Expense more than income – spending more than you have, you might have to cut costs and try to save some money to cover the bases!

Whichever of these outcomes you are faced with,  knowing is better than not knowing. For some this might bring little comfort and relief, but people in general, find this exercise useful to make an unknown more measurable. It makes us both accountable and wanting to act, faster and that sense of urgency and momentum is just what the family budget process needs!