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When Do You Need A Credit Repair Specialist

You may or may not need a credit repair specialist, it all depends on your personal situation. Knowing when you can do the credit repair yourself and when you need a professional help is key aspect we will explore in this post.  Are you considering using a credit...

How Do They Calculate Your Credit Score?

If you want to know what Factors are Used to Calculate Credit Scores, read this post in detail. In the US, your credit rating is extremely important. Having a good score opens doors for you and an unsatisfactory score will slam them in your face. Your credit score...

50 CheapskateTips for Frugal Living

Confession time: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far: I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes,...

Top Reasons Why Budgeting Fails

TOP THREE CAUSES OF BUDGET FAILURE Many people make an honest attempt to budget,  but become discouraged and give up before they are able to accomplish any significant financial gain. The top three causes of budget failure come into play before you even begin to set...

Top 20 Money Saving Tips When In Restaurant

I used to eat out often, now as I am trying to reduce my debt and be more healthier, so I eat in more often. If you can afford it, eating out occasionally is harmless and can give you temporary relief from cooking, cleaning kitchen and dishes for that day. Best ways...

Learning Credit Score Chart To Understand Your Credit

In Today’s world living without credit seems impossible. Even when you do not have a credit card or cut up your credit card, understanding how credit score works can surely improve your financial life. A credit score chart answers the question “what is a good...