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Here is a reader’s pregnancy and birth story; This was submitted to us by Kashi who has given account of birth of her second son, it is very real, funny, scary and you want to cheer for her.  If you are interested in submitting your birth story, please do so in contact form from this page. If it is suitable, we will print here.

This is part 2 of the story: To read 1st part of the birth story click here: Kashi’s birth story part 2

It was all happening so fast, I was ready, my body and contraction was ready, the doctor came within 2 minutes and she
confirm that ds2’s head is out. They put head moniter, I wanted to say no, but somehow I did not. I felt numb and
confident at the same time, if that is possible.

I told my sweet nurse, that please turn down on epidural and pitocin as I am not feeling much, I am not sure they listen
to me or not. Sweet shirley nurse, told me to trust her and push when she told me and how to push.

All of sudden I did not remember how to push or breath or anything. I had watched labor video only half and ds1’s birth story was long forgotten. Anyhow, I started pushing as they told me. Dh had called my doula, she came in after 6 minutes, she works around hospital, my mom was inside too, and so was student doctors.

Nurse called emergency team of peds as he was going to be born around 36.5 weeks, in total there were 12-13 people. 2 male doctors, 2 female doctors, 2 nurses, 1 student male doc, 3-3 family ped, 1 high risk doc, 1 dh, 1 mom (my mom), 1 dh and 1 doula….In my normal sanity, I would not have allowed that many people, maybe there was one peanut seller too 🙂
But, this case, in total 12 minutes of blind pushing (remember, I did not feel anything, too strong epidural), ds2 was out.
I felt when he came out, vaginally, in 15 minutes since I woke up. It felt like a dream, in 24 hours, I went 1 cm dialted to in 2 hours fully 10 cm dialated, and baby out in short time. I was ready for c-section, which did not happen, did not have to time to think.

Now, ds2 was taken from me, and not be held, I heard him crying crazyily in other corner of room, where team of peds were looking into him he was able to breath on his own!1 yeah!!!! and his apgar score was 9 and 9. He came from family of intelligence!! his brother was also 9 and 8. 🙂 I think, dh should give me all credit for those score!!

Good thing was no more ICU issue for him, although he weighed only 5 lbs, 10 ozs, and 19 inches long at 36.5 weeks, not too bad for short 5 feet, 3 inches momma. I was dreaming, while ds2 accepted his MBA at age 12 and presidency at age 29, crediting all to me. I was in tears. Suddenly I realize those tears was from pain, even though epidural was strong, my tear and hemorrhoid was stronger, it took them 1 plus hours to stitch me up after placenta was out. My ds2 on antibiotics and more tests, while they sewed me up. But the euphoria of birth had left me in denial of pain or place.

The hospital was so backed logged of pregnant ladies, they were happy to let me go to recovery room, even though I had been model patient last 15 minutes (not counting 35 hours before while I was waiting). We left in such a hurry (it seemed that way) although it took time to stitch me  back up and other medical paper works and stuff like that, we were down in recovery room. My wonderful dh, forgot our amenity such as $5 small organic toothpaste, new brush and my favorite blue clogs, in the room. (more on that later)

while, in such a euphoria mood, in maternity, I asked for private room, which we had requested, they said it was only for high risks and preemies.First time in my life I was happy to be high risk momma to preemie baby, but nurse were also taught at same prison camp as previous nights, she  told me, they have to have a rare disease too, which I unfortunate to have, so we went into common room.

Now the room we were in, was already occupied by first time parents of colicky baby and with a bed that was possessed, I am not kidding, my electronic bed started to move up and down and sideways when least expecting it, or when you’re trying to sleep. I was sleeping quietly,my ds2 to come from all his cleaning, vaccines, and more preemie testing.

It turned out that this were new pressure beds, made to change based on your body need, suppose to be cool, but it freaked me out. I just remember Hal from 2001 space odessy and I was thinking how to counter bed’s evil effects on me and baby when he came. Also heater was funky, either it got too cold or too hot, there was nothing in between temperature. we complained and asked for another shared room, but prisoner camp trained nurses were tough to stand their ground. If this was not fun enough, we had faucet leaking, drip drip and it drove me more nuts, as it knew, my worst pet peeves.

My whole family (also sometimes annoying but can not help it) more calls came and congratulations…I finally got to pee in front of nurse’s watchful eyes and they actually measured it. I felt sorry for those prisoner camp nurses, no wonder they were nasty, they had to do silly thing like, change newborn’s sticky black poop, measure red, yellow urine from mom. I begin to understand them or was it painkillers working? I will never know.

ds2 came and he was beautiful as he can be, ds1 was so exicted too, ds1 immidiatley started teaching him how to jump and play and not to listen to mummy, daddy as a big brother. Luckily this may also happen when ds2 can actually understand him and follow him later. for time being we were safe.

I was so hungry again, (now, i know I am supposed to be on losing weight side) but it did not matter, bland food was good, but they gave me eggs and meat and I am vegan, so I dared asked again only to have food in slow lane after 1.5 hours. Somehow drugs has calming effect, I was no longer rebel and asking questions, I took as things came along and I actually felt sorry for our 1st time parents rookies, while thier 1st son, tested  my ear working inside and out, specially at night. Dh is made of stronger things, nothing effected him and he snored happily at night next to reclining chair, not waking even when I needed him. Thanks to those nurse call buttons, I survived night.

ds2 was doing good on breastfeeding but I wanted to take refresher class, but our friends and family dropped by and so I skipped classes, it was college all over again. skipping class felt good, I am not sure, I will pay for it later.

Since I had vaginal delivery, we were supposed to leave Saturday morning, we packed and gotten ready but we still did not have a name for the baby, it was too hard to pick a name. While we were working on Saturday morning on all discharge papers, some of test results of ds2 came back, it seemed he had a  jaundice, so they had to observe him, ped canceled our going out of prison camp hotel for atleast a day, then my tear began to have more bleeding and some pus and my new hemorrhoid was huge and growing like big volcano, they told me I can not go either. So, we stayed on, too numb to protest again.

I was started to given stronger, stronger meds as my epidural was so strong was wearing thin after 2 days, I begin to like people after taking pain meds again. Now I know, or dh know how to calm me, simple, pain meds. 🙂 next day comes and ds2 still has jaundice but we are given green light after promising to take him light treatment again at ped’s office, we do promise and we go on Tuesday.

My pain is other thing, I want to be there but they said, we have given you meds, you will be okay. They were so wrong, I am in horrible pain with my
hemorrhoid and I went #2, after 5 days, it was major meltdown at our house. I am again ticked off at dh, as it is his fault.
and ds2 as cute as he is, want to breastfeed always and cries when I give him to daddy, he loves his mommy so much already. I told them both, not to
bother me as I am writing very important birth stories to my close friends whom I have never met, but share a strong bond. they do not understand but now, I am close to finishing the birth story, I felt like a big achievement. Thank you for let me laugh and cry at myself.

Life is bit upside down but I am trying to make most of it. I hope your remaining delivery are uneventful or easy enough. If you already got babies enjoy, as they grow up so fast and move on to next annoying little habit…