Tag: credit card

  • Cash Flow Managment and Debt

    Strategies for debt and cash flow management in a family budget include: Consolidating all consumer debt (that is everything you owe, except for your mortgage) and making it a priority to pay it off in a timely fashion, getting reduced rates and maximizing your effort in wiping the financial slate clean. Paying off high-interest credit…

  • Tips On Use A Credit Repair Specialist

    If you are looking for credit repair expert or specialist, there are a few things to watch out for, as all specialist are not created equal. When you are in a difficult financial situation you may be wondering how to use a credit repair specialist.  But you need to be careful. Not all companies who…

  • 5 Ways to Prevent Credit Card Fraud

    How To Prevent Consumer Credit Card Fraud We all know that most things have an upside and a downside.  When it comes to the automation of our money system the upside would definitely have to be the added convenience.  The downside, of course, would be the very real threat of identity theft.  In order to…

  • Quick Credit Repair _ How to Do It Right

    With everything from jobs to buying a home contingent on a good credit score, it’s imperative that you find a way to achieve  quick credit repair.  If your credit is bad you’ll pay more for just about everything. You’re car insurance premiums are based on your credit score, your ability to rent an apartment is…

  • How to Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt

    So the question is: How do you go about getting out of credit card debt? The answer is discipline. You must discipline yourself. How long have you been using your credit cards to live on? Do you even remember what a dollar bill looks like? Now you’re in trouble because you can’t make all those…

  • Reward Card for Car Drivers: Gas Reward Credit Cards

    Living without a credit card can be possible for few, for many of however having credit card means buying things easily online and offline. If you are living in western part of world and drive card, how about getting a special reward credit card for filling up gas; It has two benefits. Not having to…