Tag: family budget

  • 100 Money Saving Tips: Part 2

    Saving money is one of the important thing for me and many parents I know. Here is a list of 100 more steps to take. Each of these tactics are simple little moves you can make to improve your financial situation. Some of them take just a few minutes, others might take an hour or…

  • How To Have Right Money Mind

    My two oldest children are in elementary school. They have a wide range of classmates from different ethnic, political, social, and economic backgrounds in their class. There are children of college professors in the classroom right next to the children of migrant workers of immigrants. Children in early elementary school are enormously influenced by the…

  • 12 Reasons You Should Have a Budget

    THE RATIONALE AND PROCESS OF BUDGETING: Budget can be dreaded word for some, but it does not have to be. Here are twelve good reasons to get you started on your path to budgeting or I like to call it, spending plan. 1. Family budgets are used as a baseline, analysis-tool and roadmap. It is…

  • Understanding Family Budget

    What is the family budget again? It is a pro-active, hands-on approach, focused, technical and disciplined strategy to getting a handle on the current financial situation in the home and family, It concerns setting realistic, SMART financial goals for the household, sticking to it, celebrating successes, learning from failures and trying again if you do…

  • How to Start a Budget: Setting Up Process

    To get us started and in order to set up a monthly budget,  follow these five easy steps: Step one:         find out your monthly take-home pay Step two:         find out what your expenses are Step three:       find out how much you spend on each expense Step four:        see if your monthly…

  • 14 More Practical Family Budgeting Tips

    Moreover, on ‘living within a family budget’, here are more listed  FOURTEEN more great practical suggestions on family budgeting:  1.   Stay busy after work  One “easy” way to avoid overspending and thus stay within your budget is to have something else to do after work. Get a second job that is fun, go to school,…

  • 11 Practical Tips For Family Budgeting

    Here are ELEVEN more practical suggestions and tips from online users posted on the internet on family budgeting: 1.   Keep a record book as well as your bankbook It takes time and requires a lot of self-discipline. Start each month with the balance and enter every payment, etc in advance, in the form of a…

  • Top Reasons Why Budgeting Fails

    TOP THREE CAUSES OF BUDGET FAILURE Many people make an honest attempt to budget,  but become discouraged and give up before they are able to accomplish any significant financial gain. The top three causes of budget failure come into play before you even begin to set up your budget. Awareness of these budget busters, is…

  • Budgeting Solutions For Personal Finance Dilemmas

    One of the huge crisis we face is being in debt so much that we can not live our life the way it was meant to be. Do you want to be debt free today?  If you have the money in the bank, of course, you can pay off all of your bills.  However, for…