Tag: health tips

  • Get Healthy By Excercising

    First let me say: eating healthy is a great foundation for getting fit and healthy, but exercise is what will really get you there. Actually, you can do one and not the other, but you’ll only be halfway there, really. You need both. Rules for Exercising I have been exercising fairly steadily for more than…

  • How To Have Flat Stomach

    For a long time, I wanted to lose weight. I know now that that’s a mistake. Weight is only one factor — lean muscle mass, body fat percentage, hip to waist ratio, etc. are all just as important. After that, I wanted to get six-pack abs. That’s also a dumb goal. First of all, most…

  • Ways To Quit Smoking

    Smoking is one of these type of habit that is hard to quit for many. Many people think they are not addicted to smoking and can quit anytime they want, until they really try it. Smoking is expensive, many health concerns including lung cancer and much more. However, some movies and stars show smoking to…

  • How To Eat Healthy

    One of the main thing I struggle with is weight, it is hard for me to admit as a woman. I love food so I am in kitchen or in restaurant eating and sometimes eating all these yummy food catches up to me. I have about 15 lbs or so to lose right now. I…

  • Home Remedies for the Common Cold

    When winter times comes, all many parents of young kids dread, as often kids will through many cold, sniff, and cough in the season. While it is not serious, it can get serious in terms of bronchitis or pneumonia if not watched properly. The common cold is a miserable condition that is caused by an…

  • Introduction to Type I Diabetes

    An Introduction to Type 1 Diabetes: The facts you should know Thought to be a quite uncommon condition, Type I diabetes affects approximately one out of every 250 people, both adults and young kids living in the US today. Although the word “juvenile” has long been associated with this type of the disease, as in…