Tag: homeschool parent

  • How To Answer Well Meaning People About Homeschooling

    One of the dreaded thing do once you convince yourself, your spouse and children about homeschooling is answering to your well meaning family or friends about your decision. Homeschooling gets bad rap sometimes in news and other media that no wonder people are confused. While there are bad parents who may misuse homeschooling to hide…

  • Eating Together As Family: Important Family Tips

    Dinner with the Family: It’s More Important than you Might Think When was the last time you had dinner with your family? It is the meal we often skip because we work late, the kids have sporting events or we get tired from daily activities. But, skipping dinner with the family is detrimental to the…

  • Parenting Your Teen: Communication Tips

    How to Build Communication Bridges with Your Teen Raising a child doesn’t come with a book of instructions.  If it did, the task would be much easier.  Facing the teenage years with your son or daughter is not something most parents look forward to.  This article will help you take the experience one day at…

  • Work At Home Moms: How To Be With Kids and Earn Money

    WAHM: Your Ticket to Being Home with the Kids & Earning an Income for Your Family Have you ever dreamed of a job where you could spend time with your family and earn money at the same time? Most traditional jobs don’t offer that. But, becoming a WAHM could be your ticket to your dream.…

  • Tips for Toddler Tantrums

    Many Young parents get scared when they hear stories about the “terrible twos.” Take courage, though, you will survive the toddler stage. It’s not easy to understand why your toddler has a tantrum but at such a young age, a child is consumed with thoughts of themselves. Everything is about them and how they feel.…

  • How To Structure the School year

    Okay, you have decided to homeschool and you, kids and family have bought text books, join the homeschool group, set out the room for teaching, Now what? Basic structure of homeschooling can help get you going. Home Learning Year by Year: How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool Through High SchoolWell Planned Day Family…

  • How to Maintain Discipline in Homeschooling

    Is there such thing as Discipline in Homeschooling? How do you manage it all? When the child stays at home all day, and mommy is the teacher, there are certain issues of discipline at stake. It is easy for he child to misconstrue the freedom he has at home and feel that homeschooling is just…

  • Montessori Method Of Homeschooling

    Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development. Although a range of practices exists under the name “Montessori”, the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) and the American Montessori Society (AMS) cite these elements as essential mixed age classrooms, with classrooms for children aged 2½…

  • Preschool at Home: How to Homeschool Your Preschooler

    Preschool is when usually parents start putting their kids first time in some time of public or private educational system. Prior to that kids have been in private care or day care type of setting when education would not have been main point of child care. Different children have varying interests and learning needs not…

  • How to Home-Schooling In Modern World

    Homeschooling In Modern World Of Today In recent decades, homeschooling, or the traditional practice of educating children within the home as against sending them to a public or private learning institution, is slowly making its way back to the educational mainstream. This alternative means of elementary and high school education dates back to 1906 in…