Tag: homeschooling faq

  • The Dark Side Of Homeschooling

    This site and many other homeschooling sites has many benefits and advantages of homeschooling but it would not be complete picture until we talk about bad side or the dark side of homeschooling too. It’s not all hunky-dory and smooth sailing on the homeschooling front. Like all things in life, there is a downside that…

  • How To Homeschooling the teenager

    Teenage years are sure trying, specially when you are homeschooling. It might help actually when you are homeschooling your teen, as he or she will not have huge peer pressure compared to those teens who are in regular public school with image to keep up with. However, trying teen years can take toll on you…

  • Online Homeschooling

    There are so many ways to learn and educate your child in school or at home. One of the growing trend is to teach and learn through online classes. There are online streaming videos that teach kids and teens about various subjects, you can do math online, you can do memory, puzzles, write an essay…

  • Types Of Homeschooling Methods

    For many people, homeschooling may call to mind the picture of two or three children sitting at a table and writing feverishly in their workbooks, while mom or dad stands nearby. This is the not entirely true. Given below are some of the most influential and popular homeschooling methods. The Charlotte Mason method: Charlotte Mason…

  • Managing Homeschooling hours

    How many, how often and when? These are some oft-repeated questions when it comes to homeschooling hours. Flexibility is of course one of the key underlying principles behind homeschooling. This flexibility applies not only to the curriculum but also to the number of hours. It is only natural that parents, especially if they have just…

  • Connection between Family and Homeschooling

    According to the National Center For Education Statistics, almost 1.1 million children underwent homeschooling in 2005 alone. That’s a lot of children. Once upon a time, homeschooling used to be a radical statement – something like a declaration of independence. It was the conservative Christians who advocated homeschooling in the ’80s and legalized it in…

  • Will My Homeschooler Have Problem Getting Into College?

    Homeschooling and college issue is often been asked by people. Will my homeschooler have any problem or issue getting in to college? Many people wrongly assume just because the child is homeschooled, he or she will be left out compare to their school going counter part. Fear not, there are many homeschooler get in to…

  • Advantages Of Homeschooling

    There are more and more people are beginning to look at homeschooling as an option nowadays. Some of them are famous, rich, and highly educated. Are there any benefits or advantages to homeschooling your child? You bet ya, there sure are. Due to increasing unhealthy competition in the education area, most parents now-a-days find it…

  • How to avoid Burnout When Homeschooling

    When you are home with kids and teaching them, there bound to be burn out at some point of time. Homeschool burnout does not have be difficult to deal with, if we take some precaution to avoid it and make homeschooling more fun and enjoyable for you and your child. When a parent takes on…

  • Possible Public School Disadvantages

    Many people think of homeschooling often because of possible disadvantages of public schooling system. When we consign our children to public schools, we feel satisfied that they are receiving ‘quality education. But, are we really getting our money’s worth? More importantly, are the children gaining anything from this kind of a learning procedure? Socialization is…