Tag: homeschooling issues

  • How To Answer Well Meaning People About Homeschooling

    One of the dreaded thing do once you convince yourself, your spouse and children about homeschooling is answering to your well meaning family or friends about your decision. Homeschooling gets bad rap sometimes in news and other media that no wonder people are confused. While there are bad parents who may misuse homeschooling to hide…

  • Online Charter Homeschool is Growing

    There are more and more people are homeschooling through charter school and now online education charter school to teach their kids at home. Online schooling has many benefits and some issues. Not everyone agrees, if that is a good thing or not. As debate for online charter school increases among parents, only you can tell…

  • Does Homeschooling Magnify The Family Issues?

    Homeschooling Magnifies Family Problems (and That’s a Good Thing) BY Jennifer Fulwiler “Okay, guys, it’s time for today’s lessons!” I say in my most positive voice. “We’re going to start with math. Let’s look at—” “Maaa-aaath? I hate math!” comes a voice from the peanut gallery. “I’m bored. I don’t want to do homeschool today,”…

  • The Dark Side Of Homeschooling

    This site and many other homeschooling sites has many benefits and advantages of homeschooling but it would not be complete picture until we talk about bad side or the dark side of homeschooling too. It’s not all hunky-dory and smooth sailing on the homeschooling front. Like all things in life, there is a downside that…

  • Advantages Of Homeschooling

    There are more and more people are beginning to look at homeschooling as an option nowadays. Some of them are famous, rich, and highly educated. Are there any benefits or advantages to homeschooling your child? You bet ya, there sure are. Due to increasing unhealthy competition in the education area, most parents now-a-days find it…

  • How to avoid Burnout When Homeschooling

    When you are home with kids and teaching them, there bound to be burn out at some point of time. Homeschool burnout does not have be difficult to deal with, if we take some precaution to avoid it and make homeschooling more fun and enjoyable for you and your child. When a parent takes on…