Tag: Parenting Tips

  • How To Be Patience With Your Kids

    I did not know I had any issue with being impatience until my firstborn turned 2. He was so talkative and kept asking “why…why…”, after awhile, I was ready to call in expert on how to handle all the “why..?” questions that I simply did not have an answers for. I know I am not…

  • Top 10 Ways To Be Great Parent

    Being parent is tiring but rewarding, being great parent however requires lot of effort. Sometimes, we can change our life style so parenting becomes effortless and we as an parents and ours kids gets to live in harmony and peace. These are Very Important Rules that must never be broken by any Serious Parent ……

  • How To Use Email Without Stress

    One of the problem as a Parent and an employee I have is email clutter. Many people think of clutter as in house clutter, but computer email can be a big clutter that can take up so much time and stress. Once during my brother’s marriage, I did not check my office email for 1.5…

  • What Is Attachment Parenting?

    I never knew there was anything called attachment parenting when I got first time pregnant. I did not think much about raising before I gave birth. I baby sat as a teenager and played with other babies and kids, and it seemed simple enough as I was not the main care giver for the child.…

  • Personal Parenting Story:

    Attachment Parenting HQ website is born out of my personal experience with pregnancy, miscarriage and high need child that needed all the attention. When I started attachment parenting concept by Dr. Sears, I felt alone as I did not know many parents who were supportive or know why we did certain parenting things differently. I…

  • How To Answer Well Meaning People About Homeschooling

    One of the dreaded thing do once you convince yourself, your spouse and children about homeschooling is answering to your well meaning family or friends about your decision. Homeschooling gets bad rap sometimes in news and other media that no wonder people are confused. While there are bad parents who may misuse homeschooling to hide…

  • How To Make Rainy Day Fun For Kids

    If your kids are my kids in any ways, they love to play outdoor. My toddler loves to dig, dirt where our flower beds are and love to run around bare feet on grass. I generally am with the kids when they are out, and get sunshine for myself too. However when it is raining,…

  • Home Remedies for the Common Cold

    When winter times comes, all many parents of young kids dread, as often kids will through many cold, sniff, and cough in the season. While it is not serious, it can get serious in terms of bronchitis or pneumonia if not watched properly. The common cold is a miserable condition that is caused by an…

  • Introduction to Type I Diabetes

    An Introduction to Type 1 Diabetes: The facts you should know Thought to be a quite uncommon condition, Type I diabetes affects approximately one out of every 250 people, both adults and young kids living in the US today. Although the word “juvenile” has long been associated with this type of the disease, as in…

  • Let Your Kids Know Nature

    If I let them, my kids will eat pizza and sit in front of Television watching cartoons and what not. Although, one of my child like to read books, which is better choice, I like to see them be out in nature, doing things with friends or us. How do we encourage kids to be…