Tag: parenting tips

  • Ugly Side Of Divorce On Kids

    If you saw the emotional turmoil portrayed in the movies War of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you’d probably think twice about divorce.  Unhappy individuals who believe that ending their marriage would make them happier are often living a myth. Chances are that they’ve attributed the failure of the marriage to their spouse, dispensing…

  • Staying Connected With You Child

    I admit, being homeschooling mom, I often tend to wear “teacher” hat and forget that I am also mom too. I am thinking about each life moment can be a wonderful learning opportunity. Now, there is nothing wrong with learning but sometimes we just have to let go and stop being teacher and be a…

  • Connection between Family and Homeschooling

    According to the National Center For Education Statistics, almost 1.1 million children underwent homeschooling in 2005 alone. That’s a lot of children. Once upon a time, homeschooling used to be a radical statement – something like a declaration of independence. It was the conservative Christians who advocated homeschooling in the ’80s and legalized it in…

  • Will My Homeschooler Have Problem Getting Into College?

    Homeschooling and college issue is often been asked by people. Will my homeschooler have any problem or issue getting in to college? Many people wrongly assume just because the child is homeschooled, he or she will be left out compare to their school going counter part. Fear not, there are many homeschooler get in to…

  • How to avoid Burnout When Homeschooling

    When you are home with kids and teaching them, there bound to be burn out at some point of time. Homeschool burnout does not have be difficult to deal with, if we take some precaution to avoid it and make homeschooling more fun and enjoyable for you and your child. When a parent takes on…

  • Tips On Getting Pregnant

    Are you looking for tips to get pregnant? If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, there are numerous measures that can be done to raise your chances. Even if these measures may seem like good sense, they are worth reviewing. Go for a positive mental mindset as frequently as possible. Keep an eye on your menstrual…

  • Cure for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

    In case you are pregnant, the increase of hormones could cause early morning vomiting, which specifically entails nausea and throwing up. You will come across for the most part symptoms of morning sickness involved in the number one trimester most often, but it may well appear to be eternity for the all women having them…

  • Pregnancy Condition: Hypertention

    Hypertension in Pregnancy Pre-Eclampsia (Hypertension in pregnancy) is the most likely problem likely to happen during your pregnancy. In fact 2 or 3 percent pregnant women have Pregnancy induced hypertension. Monica Stewaet from Denver, Colorado had Pre-Eclampsia (Hypertension in pregnancy) during her second pregnancy. She found out on her fourth prenatal visit. As she found…

  • Getting Pregnant Natural Way

    It looks surprisingly easy to get pregnant and in some ways it is – it requires a lot of things to go right but when they do, the cascading chain reaction will result in a beautiful child nine months later. There are natural ways to get pregnant, meaning you don’t have to start injecting chemicals…