Tag: personal finance tips

  • 100 Money Saving Tips: Part 1

    Saving money is one of the important thing for me and many parents I know. Here is a list of 100 more steps to take. Each of these tactics are simple little moves you can make to improve your financial situation. Some of them take just a few minutes, others might take an hour or…

  • 12 Reasons You Should Have a Budget

    THE RATIONALE AND PROCESS OF BUDGETING: Budget can be dreaded word for some, but it does not have to be. Here are twelve good reasons to get you started on your path to budgeting or I like to call it, spending plan. 1. Family budgets are used as a baseline, analysis-tool and roadmap. It is…

  • Understanding Family Budget

    What is the family budget again? It is a pro-active, hands-on approach, focused, technical and disciplined strategy to getting a handle on the current financial situation in the home and family, It concerns setting realistic, SMART financial goals for the household, sticking to it, celebrating successes, learning from failures and trying again if you do…

  • How to Start a Budget: Setting Up Process

    To get us started and in order to set up a monthly budget,  follow these five easy steps: Step one:         find out your monthly take-home pay Step two:         find out what your expenses are Step three:       find out how much you spend on each expense Step four:        see if your monthly…

  • Household Budget Guide: Part 2

    This is second part of setting up household budget, if you have not read it yet, please check out: How to Set up Household Budget Part 1: By clicking here. 11: A family budget is a learning tool and process to empower individuals and families to better self-manage their financial resources, spending, cost cutting and…

  • Household Budget Guide: Part 1

    Then let us get started, together. There are lots of practical suggestions for setting up a family or household budget.  We will never be able to cover them or the mechanics and intricacies all here at once. You will however continue to find in these pages valuable insights and tit-bits to help you pursue better…

  • Dealing With Debt And Credit Issues

    Normally we use credit cards for a variety of good reasons, like convenience, business expenses, online commerce, instant accountability, unexpected bargains or expenses, medical and or other emergencies. There are however, also very definite situations where plunging yourself deeper into debt is not a good idea at all: An expensive item you know you cannot…

  • Learn These Credit Repair Secrets

    It helps to know some credit repair secrets when your FICO score isn’t quite what you would like.  The first step is always to obtain your credit report from the three different agencies. You would think one was enough but Transunion, Equifax and Experian all report things slightly differently. Do You Know These Credit Repair…

  • Finding Best Credit Report Program

    If you are looking to improve or even maintain your credit score, I am sure you must have looked at ways to get your credit report. There are many companies out there that charges you crazy money, after offering misleading free credit reports, so beware of those scam companies. How to find best credit report…

  • Best Way to Use Credit Repair Information

    When you want to sort out your financial issues, it is important that you know how to use credit repair information properly.  You need to be methodical in your approach and work using a trusted source of information.  There is a lot of miss-information available. Some companies target individuals with financial problems on purpose knowing…