Tag: personal finance tips

  • 14 More Practical Family Budgeting Tips

    Moreover, on ‘living within a family budget’, here are more listed  FOURTEEN more great practical suggestions on family budgeting:  1.   Stay busy after work  One “easy” way to avoid overspending and thus stay within your budget is to have something else to do after work. Get a second job that is fun, go to school,…

  • 11 Steps For Money Management

    Management of money and money related tasks can be cumbersome and tedious. No wonder many of us are doing a poor job of it. The worse thing about is, that we do not learn money savings and earning tips from school or even our parents as much as our grandparent’s generation. But all is not…

  • When Do You Need A Credit Repair Specialist

    You may or may not need a credit repair specialist, it all depends on your personal situation. Knowing when you can do the credit repair yourself and when you need a professional help is key aspect we will explore in this post.  Are you considering using a credit repair specialist?  Perhaps you have been turned…

  • Top Reasons Why Budgeting Fails

    TOP THREE CAUSES OF BUDGET FAILURE Many people make an honest attempt to budget,  but become discouraged and give up before they are able to accomplish any significant financial gain. The top three causes of budget failure come into play before you even begin to set up your budget. Awareness of these budget busters, is…

  • Top 20 Money Saving Tips When In Restaurant

    I used to eat out often, now as I am trying to reduce my debt and be more healthier, so I eat in more often. If you can afford it, eating out occasionally is harmless and can give you temporary relief from cooking, cleaning kitchen and dishes for that day. Best ways to save money…

  • Learning Credit Score Chart To Understand Your Credit

    In Today’s world living without credit seems impossible. Even when you do not have a credit card or cut up your credit card, understanding how credit score works can surely improve your financial life. A credit score chart answers the question “what is a good credit score?”  Unfortunately, there is not a uniform answer to…

  • Top 8 Ways To Be Debt Free

    Economy in US has taken dive since 2008, and many people were unemployed for long time, lost homes through mortgage crisis and the effects of it is still felt after years. In these bad times we are all looking for different ways to save our hard earned cash. It could be the little thing such…

  • Simple Strategies To Prevent Credit Card Identity Theft

    Identity Theft with credit card is a harsh reality that affects many people in modern world. With the increases in technology, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find ways of preventing credit card fraud. Simple Strategies To Prevent Credit Card Identity Theft It seems as soon as we come up with one effective method…

  • Credit Score’s Basic Breakdown Details

    Guide: How To Understand The Credit Score Breakdown Basics Many people are aware of the important role the credit rating plays in their lives. However, understanding what actually goes into a credit score (the credit score breakdown) might present a bit more difficulty. There are several different methods of scoring, but most lenders and banks…

  • Do You Understand Your Beacon Credit Score? : FICO Score

    How To Understand My Beacon Credit Score Most adult Americans are familiar with what represents good and bad credit and the all-too-famous FICO score. Of the three credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion), Equifax and TransUnion both use the FICO score algorithm to calculate their scores. And Equifax uses the beacon credit score which…